About Me and Pretoria, South Africa

My name is Mbini Kutta-Mathye. Well I am known as Mbini even though my official name is Nombini. After a fair discussion with my husband, Mish, we agreed that I keep my maiden name because of my obsessive attachment to it.

My husband is my number 1 support and the best dad I know. No kidding! Now I hope he reads this page.

Pretoria, South Africa is what we and our two children, Aka and Awo call home. Aka is seven and Awo is five. I purposely don't publish my children's photos because I would hate it if someone uses my daughter's photos for commercial purposes. My very special daughter was born with a certain physical and brain condition. Both my kids have brought so much joy to our lives. Due to our neighbour's big dogs, Softy, our kitten stayed in forster care (my mom's), and she was sadly stolen or maybe just lost.

I love working on this website so much that I never keep track of time. It's a good thing that my family reminds me that I have to eat and keep the eye contact when I talk to them. Apart from pretoria-south-africa.com, I have a few other websites and blogs. The only great thing about this is that I get to spend some days in my pyjamas and my feet have fully recovered from the high heel injuries I subjected them to, for more than a decade.

I block some of my childhood memories in the Eastern Cape because of the bullies in my primary and high schools. To the surprise of my son, I never owned a bicycle and we never had swimming and music instrument lessons in my primary and high schools. I was an "A" student and almost always the top student in Maths in both primary and high school. My mom is like a best friend to me but my dad is the proudest of my school/business achievements.

I still exchange construction and building plans books with my dad in his seventies. I think my dad was hoping to have a boy and unconsciously did all in his power to raise me as such. I forgive him and love him to bits.

The thought of my huge family being at home (my parents') at the same time is scary. Every time half of us (with our families) manage to be home, we serve close to twenty plates and we don't have a dishwasher.

I wish I valued my "diploma in tailoring" more instead of rushing to varsity for another 5 years. My parents would have gotten over it by now. By the time I did my interior decoration qualification, I was already hooked to corporate life that the thought of starting from scratch was horrific. The only negative effects of me learning to design and build websites is that I drink coffee. I blame that on CSS. When I'm not working on websites, I am revamping ugly and dirty homes in Pretoria to make them habitable and stylish. I also get people their ideal homes to rent or to buy.

I've had a fair share of bad bosses but my last full time position was the best I've ever had at the time. Spending as much time as I do with my children is the best part of my current life. What I miss about going to work in an office away from home, is the people, some intelligent chats and light/shallow political arguments. I confess to being a recovering hand bag and high heel addict.


Whether you call it a website or a blog, it doesn't make a difference because I call it both. My love for working smart naturally made the internet very attractive to me. Just as I was investigating how I can make some part-time income from the internet, I discovered SBI (Site Build It). I don't want to make this page any longer than it already is, if you have any specific question, email me. I do respond to emails even when I am camping in the Namib dessert. If you have a story, I challenge you to document it in any way you prefer. Get to work on something you love, you owe it to yourself.

"The biggest mistake people make in life is not making a living at doing what they most enjoy." Malcolm S. Forbes (1919-1990)